You want to see some real engines now?
No problem, you can find some of them in the museums mentioned below, which were so kind to publish photos of the engines in the internet, see the links. In some rare cases it is possible to see some of these Crossley diesels also on a rally field. Presenting them is not an easy job for their owners due to their considerable physical sizes. So our thanks go to them for these efforts and also to those enthusiasts, who had taken photos of these events and presented them to the public. So it is now possible to enjoy the engines simply by clicking on the links below.
HD 3 (1937), Internal Fire Museum, Wales
Photos (by IF Museum):
-> http://www.internalfire.com/popups.php?iid=1002
-> http://www.internalfire.com/popups.php?iid=1032
( http://www.internalfire.com/ifod/listobjects.php?coll=1&cat=1&keyword=&catall=&showall=&MainTableRec=16 )
- with T&K "mechanical lubricator
- with air starting valve
- resting on a concrete block according to the Crossley Instructions for Erecting.
HD 3 of Per Larssons Museum Sweden
Photo (by Per Larssons Museum):
-> http://www.perlarssons.se/varamotorer/Crossly.jpg
( http://www.perlarssons.se/varamotorer/motorer.htm )
- with T&K "mechanical lubricator"
- without air starting valve
HD 3 of "Seang1985", Ireland
Photo (at UK Stationary Engine Forum):
-> http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/6915/crossley.jpg
( http://www.stationary-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?t=12641 )
HD 3 of Johan, SA
- with drip oiler / plunger lubricator
- without air starting valve
HDE 3 (1933) at Rally, UK
Photo at Asle Park Rally, 2008 (by Oldengine.org):
-> http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/AstlePark2008/Astle200820.htm
( http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/AstlePark2008/Astle2008Menu1.htm )
Photo at Lincoln Rally, 2008 (by Tangye.org):
-> http://www.tangye.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=2992
( http://www.tangye.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=2949 )
- with T&K "mechanical lubricator"
- without air starting valve
HD 4 (about 1934?) of "Marshall-Man", UK
Photos (at UK Stationary Engine Forum):
-> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v721/Marshall-man/005-4.jpg
( http://www.stationary-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19769 )
-> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v721/Marshall-man/102-1.jpg
( http://www.stationary-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17154 )
- with drip oiler / "plunger lubricator"
- without air starting valve
HD 4 Cheshire Vintage Club
Photo (by Cheshire Vintage Club):
-> http://www.cheshirenvtec.freeuk.com/engineCrossley6116.jpg
( http://www.cheshirenvtec.freeuk.com/enginesmain.htm )
- with T&K "mechanical lubricator"
- without air starting valve
HD 5 at Rally, UK
Photo (at Grace's guide):
-> http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/wiki/File:Im20100808Kem-CrossHD5-1934.jpg
- with T&K "mechanical lubricator"
- with air starting valve
HDE 6 (1932) of John, Malta
- with drip oiler / plunger lubricator
- without air starting valve
- here the protective hood of the centrifugal governor between diesel pump and oiler is removed
and the governor weights with the spring at both sides of the sideshaft are visible
HDE 6 (1955), Anson Engine Museum, Poynton, Cheshire, UK
Photo (by the Anson Engine Museum):
-> http://enginemuseum.org/gallery/displayimage.php?album=9&pos=3
Photo (by Oldengine.org):
-> http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/AnsonMuseum/Anson18A.jpg
( http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel/AnsonMuseum/Anson18.htm )
- with T&K "mechanical lubricator"
HD of Clouvos Museum, Cyprus
-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouPob8qPEas&NR=1
- with air starting valve
- mechanical lubricator (Petter Calibrater) of large volume, 2 pumps
- the video shows a test run without exhaust silencer
HD 7 (about 1938) of Corné, SA
An astonishing restoration of an engine that looked nearly like scrap in the as-found condition.
Now it runs like a clock.
HD 7 of Tommy, Ireland
- with T&K "mechanical lubricator"
- with air starting valve (see also the video)
- nice old patina
Here we have an impressionistic symphony of atmosphere, sound and light with this HD 7 playing the central role:
1. Introduction (Andante accelerando, con espressione):
"Engine start by air from the yellow gas bottle":
-> https://picasaweb.google.com/105307201151166253625/TOMMIESCROSSLEYHD7ENGINE02?authkey=Gv1sRgCP2sz9n_5OnbVA&feat=email#5617492882117799682
2. Main theme (Allegro cantabile, forte):
"The running engine"
-> https://picasaweb.google.com/105307201151166253625/TOMMIESCROSSLEYHD7ENGINE02?authkey=Gv1sRgCP2sz9n_5OnbVA&feat=email#5617483418070252658
HDE 7 (1937) at Glenamaddy, Ireland
- with T&K "mechanical lubricator"
- without air starting
- on the original foundation, presently under restoration
- the slotted piece behind the diesel pump is an internal part of the splash guard
that was just put on the engine
HDE 7 (1937) of the authors, Germany
see also first page
detail of our air filter |