Data and Details

This page shows data sheets with technical details

Geometries of "Small" Diesel engines:



Horizontal Type Crossley Diesel Engines
year of publication: 1950

The tables show, that the marketing activities of the year 1950 were obviously concentrated mainly upon the more powerful HH-types, while the less powerful large HD-types are not mentioned anymore. Their lower power output made the HDs probably less attractive for the majority of industrial applications. This shows how times are changing.


Crossley Horizontal Industrial Engines
year of publication: 1965

Around the year 1960 the types IHD and IHH were developed as more powerful modifications of the types HD and HH. According to the context of the publication the left engine of 52 bhp is a IHH10 and the right one is a 2IHH14. The IHH10 looks a little bit strange on this illustration as the exhaust pipe is not shown here. 



Manual of the "Small" Oil engines:


The engine numbers of the small oil engines begin in the range of 110 000, the routine production of them started in the year 1930. 



Manual of the "Small" Diesel engines:


The small diesel engines HD3...HD6 appeared "officially" a little bit after the small oil engines.
The engine numbers of the HD7 and HDE7 start with 116 300 indicating that their production started about 1932, an oil engine of this size does not exist formally.
The oil and diesel engines are made of the same design, so they are described in the same instruction book. 
Interesting Detail: Engine number 109880 is described as oil engine "size O.112" in the "EXAMPLE" on the front page of the oil engine book as well as "size HD5" in the "EXAMPLE" on the front page of the small diesel engine book shown above. 

The instruction book of the larger oil engines: 

Publication no. 1143b shows an engine of the early style and deals with oil engines of the O-types of the sizes 115 and higher (the year 1931 is given on the log sheet inside).
The type "O 128"-engines with the engine numbers beginning with 78,050 were produced from 1918 on.
The numbers of most of the other engine types begin in the range of 80,000 indicating that the routine production of them started about 1919 / 1920.
The relatively rare engine types "O 116" and "O 121" with engine numbers beginning with 91,000 resp. 92,220 were produced obviously some years later around 1925 / 1926.

The instruction book of the larger diesel and oil engines: 


Publication no. 1143c shows an engine of the HD-type (the year 1934 is given on the log sheet inside). This version deals mainly with HD-engines. 
